Book review: I Still Remember


First of, I want to extend my appreciation for Writerly Yours for being such an accommodating and kind host of this blog tour. Let’s start!

IStillRemember_KindleCoverAbout the Book:
Title: I Still Remember
Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Coming-of-Age
Age category: Young Adult
Release date: May 14, 2017



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About the Author: 
Priya Prithviraj writes poems which appear in journals such as Eastlit and the New Plains Review. She also writes about books, writing and publishing on her blog. She tweets at @priyaprithviraj.
Disclaimer: I post honest and spoiler free reviews.


This is my first time reading a really short story and I don’t have an idea what to expect. I just envisioned it to be brief but sweet. So this book is a contemporary and I’ve read a ton of books in this genre and my main  concern is whether it will be a cliché or not. Honestly, while I am reading it, I am hoping that this story will have more depth and give more feels but I failed to see that.

Of course I am not here to rant on what I dislike about this book because I did like it at some point. It served as a breather for me. It is a breath of fresh air after reading fantasy novels. I think it is a book that can remove your book hangover or reading slump. It doesn’t take much of your time so you can easily read it between your breaks. One striking point that captured my attention is the characters. I rarely read a book with Asian characters much less a Korean ( with a Korean name). I also like how the author wrapped up this book by ending with a poem. Over all, this is a fun read.

p.s I do hope that this will be a full length novel because I think there’s more story waiting to be unfold

3 thoughts on “Book review: I Still Remember”

  1. Hello! I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and am very impressed by your blog. I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am new to everything about blogging too and honestly I still have a lot of rooms for improvement. But if there’s anything that I can advice is that keep on writing and have an honest review. Don’t force things because it will just stress you out. Just start posting about what you love.


  3. Your blog is amazing too! Keep it up! I also suggest that you should search accounts in instagram that hosts blog tours because they will be so helpful. For example, for my post about I still remember, the blog tour is hosted by @writerlyyours (ig) and they provided the necessary tool kits for the book review e.g banners, covers etc. By joining the blog tour, you can also reach wider audience.


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